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We are making some improvements to our website, and we are looking for your feedback to help us understand more about your experience when using it and how we can make it better. 

Take our short survey to let us know what you think and be entered into a draw to win one of four £50 vouchers to spend in a local, independent business. 

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Health and social care evidence and statistics

This section provides information and evidence on the current and future health and wellbeing needs of the Islington population, helping with the identification of future priorities for action across a number of key health areas.

Islington is committed to making sure that it provides good quality adult social care services in the community that help people to live independent lives, prevent the need for more intensive services and ensure they are safe and have good experiences of services when they need them. We undertake research and consultation exercises about peoples’ experiences of social care services, as part of the Councils legal 'Duty to Involve', as set out in the Health and Social Care Act 2010.