A Tenants and Residents Association (TRA) gives residents more say in how their estate is managed and allows them to work with us to find solutions to problems affecting the area where they live. A TRA can also be a way to organise events and activities for all residents to enjoy and create a thriving community.
The aims of the TRA are:
- To work together as a group and in partnership with the council to improve your housing estate and environment including communal areas and the safety of residents
- Volunteer your time to organise and attend committee meetings
- Promote, arrange and host social activities for the benefit of the community
- Represent the views of all tenants and leaseholders
Advantages of setting up a Tenants and Residents Association
Forming a TRA can bring many advantages for you and your neighbours. TRAs can:
- Provide residents with an effective way to make their views known to Islington housing services and other organisations and give them a greater say in how their estate or block is managed
- Meet with the staff and the managers who are responsible for delivering services
- Raise funds for their community and to improve the local are
- Share information and news to residents about the local area
- Develop a positive community spirit and enhance cohesion, helping neighbours to get to know each other
- Organise social activities and events for the local community
- Bring a sense of achievement to those involved in running a group
- Give people a chance to meet new people, gain invaluable experience, access training, gain new skills and be a part of a community
- Attend an estate walkabout to inspect your estate and make suggestions for improvements
How we support TRAs
We will support new TRAs with getting set up and running successfully through documents such as:
- TRA Handbook
- Constitution
- Code of Conduct
- Equalities and GDPR statements
Get in touch
The TRA handbook will provide information on what running a TRA looks like, what support there is for TRAs, different types of meetings that will be held and next steps.
Please email The Community Partnerships team at partnerships@islington.gov.uk to request a copy of this handbook or for further information.