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Late-Night Levy charges

Levy charges, exemptions, reductions and information on how the money is spent

Levy charges

Band Rateable value  Levy amount 
No rateable value to £4,300  ​£299 
Greater than £4,300 to £33,000  ​£768
Greater than £33,000 to £87,000​  ​£1,259
Greater than £87,000 to £125,000​  ​£1,365
D*  Greater than £87,000 to £125,000 (*premises which are used exclusively or primarily for the sale of alcohol for consumption on the premises)  ​£2,730
Greater than £125,000   ​£1,493
E*  Greater than £125,000 (*Premises which are used exclusively or primarily for the sale of alcohol for consumption on the premises) ​   ​£4,440

Premises that are in the course of construction will be in Band C.​

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