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Bright Start Strategy 2023-28

The Bright Start 2023-28 Strategy is Islington’s strategy for maternity and early years from conception to age five, including the Start for Life 0-2 offer

Bright Start was developed in partnership between Islington Council, Whittington Health, wider maternity and early years partner services, and parents and carers. 

Our ambition

Our ambition is for all children in Islington to have the best start in life. This means that children learn and develop physically, emotionally, and socially to reach their full unique potential. 

Our strategy identifies the priorities and pledges over the next five years, so that we can have the greatest impact on families, reach those who need it most, and support parents and carers so they can nurture their babies and children, improving health and education outcomes for all. 

We will put families and children at the centre with a strengths-based approach delivering relational practice – working with the whole family to support those first years of life. 

Challenging inequality is at the heart of this strategy and influences every priority and commitment.

Our pledges

  1. We will focus on the areas that matter most

  2. We will increase accessibility, reach and inclusion

  3. We will strengthen the Bright Start partnership

  4. We will develop an empowered, skilled, and effective workforce 

Together, we will work in partnership to support every child and family to thrive.