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Some website forms are not available

We are sorry that currently some of our website forms are not working. We are working to resolve this issue as soon as we can. You can still pay your council tax, housing rent, service charges and pay for your parking permit and penalty charge notices.

May bank holiday services

Find our opening times and changes to services over the May bank holiday, including revised rubbish and recycling collections, parking restrictions and customer contact centre hours. 

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Mental Health support for young people

In Islington, our Social, Emotional, Mental Health (SEMH) Services are available to support any young person in Islington who may be displaying difficulties with their emotional wellbeing and/or mental health.

Referrals can be made through the Children’s Services Contact Team

Further articles and help can be found at:

  • NHS Go - a wide range of health topics including managing anxiety.
  • Kooth - a free online counselling, emotional well-being support and information service for young people aged 11-18 years (up to 19th birthday).

Feeling worried about your health or that of your family, or the impact of social isolation is understandable. Here are some other steps you can take to manage your anxiety:

Be well informed

Use trusted sources for reliable information and be aware that posts on social media may not be accurate. Know what the guidelines are on self-isolation and remember you are taking positive action by washing your hands, wearing a face mask and social distancing.

Limit your news and social media intake

Constant new updates may make you feel overwhelmed. Plan to update yourself just once or twice a day. Recognise when social media posts or other people’s anxieties are affecting you, and don’t be afraid to take a break.

Look after your health

Eat and drink well. Remember caffeine, sugar, drugs and alcohol can affect your mood. Try and exercise regularly.

Look after your wellbeing

Maintain a routine and plan your time to help create a sense of routine. Find activities that help you feel calm; singing, drawing, mindfulness. Try to keep busy and find things to distract you if your thoughts are overwhelming. Stay connected with friends through calls and messages.

Deal with difficulties

We may not have as much time or space to ourselves if we are staying at home with our families, and this can cause difficulties. The Children’s Society have good advice which can help you.

Talk to someone about your feelings

Acknowledge your feelings of worry and anxiety and talk about them. Speak to someone your trust about how you are doing each day; a parent, family member, friend, teacher or helpline.

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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.