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After school and holiday childcare for over fives

This consultation has ended

Start date 01 March 2017
End date 30 March 2017

The council will no longer be able to subsidise after school and holiday childcare after August 2017 due to reductions in central government funding. 

We would like to know what parents/carers and childcare providers think about the actions the council is taking to reduce the impact of these cuts.

Please complete our  by 30 March 2017 - this includes information about the funding reductions and what options there may be for families.

Out of School Childcare Consultation Report

In March 2017, Islington Council carried out an on-line survey to consult parents/carers and childcare providers on actions it was taking to reduce the impact of cuts in funding of after school and holiday childcare for working parents. Most of the cuts were outside the control of the council.

There were 187 responses. The biggest concern raised was the ability of parents, especially lone parents, to be able to work if charges increased as a result of the cuts. Islington Council has therefore found some interim funding to subsidise after school and holiday childcare, not just between April and August 2017 as originally planned, but up to March 2018. This will give more time to childcare settings to plan changes to charges and services and to the council to understand the impact of help for working parents with the costs of childcare, including the new Tax-free Childcare.

Please find attached a report which sets out the results of the survey and the response from the council.


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