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Tenant management organisations

Information about Islington council's tenant management associations

A tenant management organisation (TMO) enables tenants and leaseholders living in a particular area or estate to manage the services provided to their homes. We continue to own the property and tenants keep their secure tenancy.

TMOs have a contract with the council that’s called the management agreement. It sets out which services the TMO will manage and which we will manage. The TMO is paid annual management and maintenance allowances to carry out their delegated management duties.

TMO’s are run through a committee or board, elected by members, that oversees the management of their homes. They usually employ their own staff to carry out the functions taken over from the council.

They can choose how much or how little responsibility they wish to take over from the council. Some TMOs decide to take on most of the day-to-day housing management of their area, whilst others concentrate on a few specific functions.

The following are examples of council functions that TMOs may take over:

  • Day-to-day repairs and maintenance
  • Cleaning and caretaking
  • Grounds maintenance
  • Collecting rents and chasing arrears
  • Dealing with breaches of tenancy and neighbour disputes 

To contact a TMO directly and for information about setting up your own, visit the TMO contact details page.