Who is responsible for paying council tax
If you are a landlord renting out a property, who is responsible for paying council tax depends on the sort of letting arrangement you have.
- Tenant: The tenants are responsible for the council tax when you rent the whole of the property to one person or family, or to joint tenants. We send the bill to your tenants.
- Landlord: If you rent out the property to several people, each with their own tenancy agreement to occupy only part of the building you are responsible for paying the council tax, we send the bill to you.
Data privacy
We cannot give out information about any council tax account that does not belong to you, whether or not you own the property.
Tell us about a change in tenancy
Let us know about a change in tenancy for your property so we can update council tax details for you
Empty property charges
There is no council tax discount for empty properties in Islington and you must pay your full council tax bill or more the longer your property is empty