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Communal repairs

A communal repair is work required on internal or external parts of a building that is shared with all residents of a block or estate.

Check to see if your report has already been raised

Request a repair in your home or report a communal repair

To report an emergency communal repair call 0800 694 3344 or 0207 527 5400 or to report a non-emergency communal repair please email

Response times

In the case of most communal repairs the work should be completed in 20 days. If the repair is an emergency then it should be repaired or made safe in two hours.

A repair might not be attended to within 20 days:

  • If it requires leaseholder contributions, leaseholders need to be informed and consulted
  • If it is scheduled as part of a works programme, it will be carried out whenever that programme is scheduled
  • Some repairs take longer because we need to order special parts, which may take time
  • A more expensive repair may require going out to tender to ensure we get the best value

Communal repairs are reported by:

  • residents
  • Quality Assurance Officers through their estate visits
  • Estate Services Co-ordinators
  • Tenant and Resident Associations (TRA) during their scheduled inspections

Attend an inspection

You can also get involved by attending the inspections with the TRA, or with the relevant officer where there is no TRA, by contacting Housing Services.