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Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) price increase

All London Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) will be increasing from Monday 7 April 2025. PCNs are designed to deter anti-social and obstructive parking, reduce congestion and make London’s streets clearer and safer.

Parking sign icon

Free resident permits for Blue Badge holders

Free resident parking e-permit for Blue Badge holders to help to deter theft.  

Blue Badge holders can get a free resident parking permit so you don't need to display your Blue Badge in your vehicle while parked near your home. This should help protect your Blue Badge from thieves.

Who can apply

To get a free permit for Blue Badge holders, you must:

  • be a Blue Badge holder living in Islington
  • have a nominated vehicle that is your main mode of transport
  • give proof that the vehicle is registered to your home address.

Where you can park with a free resident parking permit

A resident parking permit lets you park your registered vehicle:

  • in any resident permit holder bay or any resident shared-use bay (for permit holders and paying short-stay visitors) in the controlled parking zone (CPZ) you are registered for
  • at any time, including on Emirates Stadium match days.

You can also park in any other resident permit holder or resident shared-use bay in the borough between 11am and 3pm, Monday to Friday only under the Resident Roamer rules, except on Emirates Stadium match days when extra controls are active in a CPZ.

You must display your Blue Badge when you park anywhere else.

How to apply, renew or change your vehicle on the permit

You can only have one parking permit, so if you already have one that you've paid for, we will cancel, refund any remaining time left on it and replace it with your free resident permit.

Apply for the first time, renew or change your registered vehicle

Fill in the online application form to apply for your first free Blue Badge resident permit, renew a permit, or change your registered vehicle - including if you are only swapping your vehicle over for a short time, such as when your main vehicle is being repaired.

What you need

To fill in and complete the application form, you will need:

Two documents for proof of address (the first time you apply)

  • a utility bill less than six months old (gas, electricity, water, landline phone)
  • current council tax bill
  • valid driving licence
  • tenancy agreement
  • vehicle documentation

One document for proof that vehicle is registered at your address (the first time you apply and for change of vehicle):

  • registration document (V5)
  • insurance schedule
  • lease / rental agreement (temporary change of vehicle)

You will also need details of your Blue Badge if it was issued outside of Islington.

The documents you provide must clearly show the vehicle details, your address and the lease/rental period.


Fill in the online application form to apply, renew or change your vehicle details on your permit.

Apply now

Moving to a new address

If you move address within Islington, move in or out of Islington or don't have a car anymore, contact us at or by phone on 020 7527 6108 and tell us about your change.

  • If you change address, tell us your new address and include proof such as a recent bill, council tax invoice or tenancy agreement.
  • If you have moved out of Islington, tell us about your new address and we will cancel the permit.

If your parking zone has changed, you can't park until your information is updated.

Rules to remember

The free resident parking permit is online so you do not need to display your Blue Badge. Enforcement officers check vehicles by the registration number to confirm there is a valid permit.

You must not leave the Blue Badge in the vehicle where your permit gives you an exemption. If your Blue Badge is stolen from a location where your permit gives an exemption, you may be refused a replacement Blue Badge.

You must update your details or renew your permit or you may get a parking ticket and fine (penalty charge notices or PCN).

If you have any questions, call us on 020 7527 6108.