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Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) price increase

All London Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) will be increasing from Monday 7 April 2025. PCNs are designed to deter anti-social and obstructive parking, reduce congestion and make London’s streets clearer and safer.


Visitor permit voucher and faith voucher terms and conditions

Read and agree to our visitor permit voucher terms and conditions before you buy.

Visitor voucher parking information

Visitor voucher (paper)

Vehicles displaying a visitor voucher will entitle the holder to park in any resident permit holder bay or any resident shared-use bay within the zone it is valid for and for the period shown on the scratch card. 

Visitor e-vouchers (electronic / online voucher)

  • Visitor e-vouchers are temporary electronic parking sessions for residents to use for their visitors.
  • E-vouchers can be used instead of paper-based, scratch card vouchers. The virtual session you have booked will be known to our Civil Enforcement Officers (parking attendants) who are able to check details using a handheld device.
  • E-vouchers are provided by RingGo and entitle the selected vehicle to park in any resident permit holder bay or any resident shared-use bay within the zone it is valid for and for the time period purchased.
  • As a resident you can apply for as many e-vouchers as you wish and up to two days in advance of when you need them.

Charges and exemptions

  • Visitor e-vouchers cost less than the scratch card equivalent. 
  • All-day paper vouchers are not issued for zones HE, TW, U and Z as the restrictions last less than the whole day.
  • If you are in zone C or K you will need to order e-vouchers online through our partner RingGo

Processing of applications and postal despatch

  • Vouchers will be processed within five working days on receipt of your application.
  • Any orders over £100 will be sent by Royal Mail special delivery and someone will need to sign for the package. If you are unlikely to be home or cannot collect the package, please order less than £100 worth.

Vouchers lost in the post

If you do not receive the vouchers you ordered from us within five working days, you will need to complete a voucher indemnity form for us to issue new ones.

You can visit the Royal Mail website for more information on the Special Delivery service.

Who can apply

  • Residents who can provide evidence they live within a CPZ as set out in this section.
  • Residents that do not have three or more outstanding/unpaid penalty charge notices (PCNs) against the vehicle within Islington. We define an outstanding PCN as a PCN that has progressed beyond the point where representations can be considered.

Faith organisations

  • Faith organisations in Islington are entitled to apply for 200 hours of free visitor vouchers per year to facilitate parking for visitors to places of worship.
  • These vouchers can be used to park vehicles in resident or resident/shared use bays in the controlled parking zone in which the place of worship is located.
  • To be entitled to free visitor vouchers your faith organisation should be registered with the Charity Commission for the purposes for the public benefit.

Proof of residency, age and attendance/disability allowance

As part of your application, we will check your details to automatically verify your address against our council tax and other records. If our automatic check is unsuccessful, you must supply the documents, which must include your name and address, as set out in this section.

Proof of residency

As proof, we will need a copy of one of the documents below, which needs to include your name and address of the property within the relevant CPZ for which you are applying.

  • An energy, water, or council tax bill; home or building insurance statement; HMRC tax statement; or bank/building society statement all dated within the last three months.
  • Driving licence issued to the applicant at their Islington address.
  • A current signed tenancy agreement (by all relevant parties to the agreement), current lease agreement, solicitor's letter confirming purchase of property, or current mortgage agreement/statement valid within the last 12 months.
  • If you have not yet moved in, please provide a letter from your solicitor confirming completion date.
  • A Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) letter dated within the last six months.

No other documents are accepted as proof of residence. If posting, please send copies of documents only. Do not send originals.

We may ask all residents holders to resubmit proof of residency around every three years. This is to make sure records are up to date. However, we may make random eligibility checks and we may request proof of residency within the three-year period.

Proof of age

For discounted visitor vouchers, proof of age is required. Please supply a scanned copy of a document with both age and address clearly shown. This is typically shown on a driving licence. Other proof of age documentation may be accepted, but further checks may be required.

Attendance/disability allowance

Residents who receive attendance allowance and/or disability allowance are also entitled to purchase vouchers at a reduced rate. Proof of attendance allowance/disability allowance is required.

Faith organisations

To be entitled to free visitor vouchers, your faith organisation should be registered with the Charity Commission for the purposes for the public benefit. 

Please submit:

  • your Charity Commission registration and
  • a bank/building society statement; energy bill or water bill; or building insurance statement, all dated within the last 3 months.

Proof of vehicle ownership

There is no requirement to provide proof of vehicle ownership to purchase visitor vouchers.

Change of details and refunds

It is your responsibility to change any details on your account. This includes address, vehicle or contact details. 

Change of address

  • If you change address, you must update your details online.
  • You will be required to provide proof as set out in the section 'proof of residency'.
  • If the required documents are not available at the time, you must still make the change online and submit the required documents within 21 days. If you do not, this will result in the vouchers being suspended or cancelled.


  • Paper visitor vouchers are non-refundable. 
  • Refund requests for e-vouchers will only be considered if received by 4pm on the day before the e-voucher comes into effect. 

Where you can park with visitor vouchers

You can use resident visitor vouchers in bays where the following restrictions apply, in your Controlled Parking Zone:

  • resident permit holder only
  • permit holder only
  • shared use bay for resident permit holder and pay by phone
  • shared use bay for permit holder and pay by phone.

Some bays have different restrictions at different times of the day so check signs before you park. 

Make sure you park your vehicle within the parking bay.

You can't use vouchers in vehicles larger than the maximum size allowed of five metres in length or 2.5 metres in height.

A visitor voucher does not grant you the right to park outside your home or guarantee the availability of a parking space.

You may not use your voucher to park in a permit holder bay in any other controlled zone within Islington.

Match day restrictions

  • You can use paper visitor vouchers on match days until the extra restrictions begin.
  • You can't use paper visitor vouchers during match day restrictions.
  • E-visitor vouchers are available at a special match day rate.

Where you cannot park

You cannot park anywhere other than the locations listed under 'where you can park'. There are further restrictions.

  • The voucher does not allow parking in bays that have been suspended for any reason.
  • The voucher does not allow parking on red routes, council housing estates or on private land.
  • You may not park in a disabled bay as these are only for the use of Blue Badge holders who display a valid Blue Badge. 
  • The voucher cannot be used to park a caravan or trailer whether attached to or disconnected from the permitted vehicle.
  • Always check signs before you park – it is your responsibility to ensure that you are parked correctly and in an appropriate bay.

Prevention of Fraud and eligibility checks

It is a criminal offence if, with intent to deceive, you knowingly make a false statement, supply false documentation or forge documents to get a residential parking voucher for yourself or others. Islington Council may prosecute if the council believes this to be the case. A refund will not be given in such cases.

  • Vouchers cannot be resold to third parties. We will take enforcement action against any vehicle believed to be displaying a voucher not purchased directly from the council.
  • It is illegal to copy an Islington visitor voucher. The council will take enforcement action against any vehicle believed to be displaying a fraudulent voucher.

Routine and random eligibility checks

We will ask all voucher holders to resubmit proofs every three years to make sure council records are up to date. We may make random eligibility checks and we request you present proof of residency within the three-year period.

Purchasing visitor vouchers again

  • Before we issue a voucher, you must be able to provide the documents required as set out on this webpage. If you are not able to do so, you will not be able to purchase vouchers.
  • Having been issued vouchers previously does not entitle you to vouchers in the future.  

If you are not allowed vouchers, you are required to find alternative arrangements. Islington will consider short term transitional arrangements. In such cases you should make a request to Islington Parking Services at

Data sharing and privacy

Your information may be shared with third parties for the purpose of preventing fraud. If you would like more information about how we use your data, please read our Privacy Policy.

Conditions of use

Islington Council reserves the right to withhold or withdraw a voucher if the voucher holder:

  • doesn't comply with these terms and conditions
  • doesn't update information needed for the voucher, such as a change of address or vehicle
  • verbally or physically threatens or attacks any Civil Enforcement Officer or any other authorised Islington Council employee
  • has three or more outstanding/unpaid PCNs within Islington. We define an outstanding PCN as a PCN that has progressed beyond the point where representations can be considered.
  • parks a vehicle larger than allowed.

Failure to have a valid paper voucher displayed (or valid e-voucher assigned to your vehicle) where necessary, enter vehicle information online correctly or inform us of a change of vehicle or address may result in a PCN being issued.


By applying for visitor vouchers to use in Islington, you are accepting the terms and conditions set out on this webpage as part of your application.

Data protection

The London Borough of Islington is under a duty to protect the public funds under its administration and may therefore use information you have provided for the purpose of the prevention or detection of fraud. Islington Council may also disclose any such information to appropriate agencies for this purpose.