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We are Cally Community Plan

The council has worked with residents, community organisations and other public agencies to develop a collective vision for the area around Caledonian Road.

The We are Cally Community Plan lays out shared ambitions by 2024, and actions that will be taken to realise these. It has been informed by six months of engagement with people living and working in the area. This has helped us to build a better understanding of what is good about life in Cally, what challenges local people face, and what their hopes are for change over the coming years. The Cally is an area with many strengths. The We are Cally Plan identifies ways in which these strengths can be built on, to make it an even better place.

The We are Cally Plan has five main aspirations:

  • create more opportunities for children, young people and families so that young people in Cally get the best possible start in life
  • boost the local economy by supporting businesses and helping people into training and work
  • strengthen community connections and a shared sense of belonging
  • make Cally a greener place, with attractive parks and open spaces that are used by everyone
  • improve health and wellbeing and tackle poor air quality

The plan brings together work the council is doing as part of the We are Cally project – including an improved Jean Stokes Community Centre, a new employability hub at West Library, a new-look Bingfield Park, and improvements to Barnard Park – with actions that will be taken by other local organisations, those led by residents, and those that will involve people working together.

What will help us to make this happen?

Islington Council will be investing an additional £1.25 million to deliver projects in Cally over the next few years, with an additional grant of £350,000 from the Greater London Authority as part of the Good Growth Fund.

Improved public buildings and parks, including West Library, Jean Stokes Community Centre, Barnard Park and Bingfield Park, will provide space for activities and services to run.

The £100,000 We are Cally Community Fund will allow local organisations and residents to test ideas that will make a positive change. Some of the fund will go to established local charities so they can develop projects which address priorities identified in the plan. Grants of up to £500 are available to groups of residents who have an idea that they want to put into practice.

How will we make sure it happens?

The We are Cally Group, made up of ward councillors, council officers, voluntary sector representatives, resident-led community groups and other public sector agencies will be responsible for ensuring the delivery of the We Are Cally Plan.

Residents will be updated on progress at meetings of the Caledonian and the Barnsbury Ward Partnerships. People living and working in the area will be able to share their thoughts and ideas at these meetings.

Read the plan

You can also meet some of the Cally people that contributed to the plan on Islington Life.