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Planning document icon

Holloway Prison

The Ministry of Justice closed Holloway Prison in 2016 and in March 2019 the site was sold to Peabody. This is an important site with local historical significance and we need to make sure future development meets local priorities and planning policies. 

Next Steps:

Peabody when they purchased the site in March 2019, in conjunction with London Square, stated their intention to build 1,000 homes on the site with 60% affordable housing.

The Council’s Planning Service has been in pre-application discussions regarding redevelopment of the site with Peabody.

Peabody are carrying out further public consultation on their emerging pre-application proposals for the site over a 3 week period commencing on 9 July 2021. That consultation process is run by Peabody and their consultants.

Whilst the Planning Service will receive any comments members of the public or other groups wish to make regarding the proposals, comments should be directed to Peabody in the first instance. This email address: will be checked regularly for any correspondence.

Please note that the Planning Service will not be directly responding to any comments received in relation to the Peabody-led consultation. The Planning Service will however take note of any comments received via the above email address and consider them in further discussions with Peabody.

Development Brief – A Women’s Building – Site of the Former Holloway Women’s Prison

The document seeks comment on and inputs into a draft development brief that has been primarily researched and produced by the Council. It’s objective is to ensure that a sufficiently large and well configured building, or part of a larger building, is designed to be able to deliver a broad range of important services and facilities for women in an innovative and creative manner. The brief is intended to help steer the Peabody led redevelopment plans that are currently being produced for the whole of the former Holloway Women’s Prison site, of which a Women’s Building will be an important part.

Please note that consultation on the Development Brief for a Women’s Building has closed. However comments more generally regarding the proposals being consulted upon by Peabody (should be directed to Peabody) but can be copied to the Islington Planning Service using the following email address:

Download the Holloway Women's Building Development Brief 2020 (PDF)

Consultation carried out on the Women’s Building Development Brief (July 2021)

As formal consultation on the preparation of a Design Brief to guide the design of the Women’s Building has closed, a summary of the consultation carried out in the production of the brief is provided. This document summarises the research, consultation responses received and the groups that were approached, workshops and meetings that took place up until 8 July 2021 in the preparation of the Design Brief.

Download the Consultation Report – Women’s Building Design Brief – July 2021.