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Dartmouth Park Area Healthy Neighbourhood

Find out more about the Dartmouth Park Area Healthy Neighbourhood and how you can have your say.

Islington Council and Camden Council are working in partnership to create a healthy neighbourhood for the Dartmouth Park area. This healthy neighbourhood aims to make the area greener, healthier and more pleasant to spend time in, making it easier to walk, wheel and cycle.

The development of proposals for the healthy neighbourhood is planned over three phases:

  • Phase 1: Early engagement (between September and November 2023) to gather ideas from local people on where and how you think we could improve streets and public spaces in the Dartmouth Park area.
  • Phase 2: Co-design to get local people’s feedback on proposals for the Dartmouth Park Area Healthy Neighbourhood.
  • Phase 3: Formal public consultation on proposed designs.

We are currently in phase 2 of this process, the co-design phase, which will last until Sunday 18 August 2024.

What you have told us so far

You have told us that you would like to see measures that:

  • restrict through-traffic movement and calm traffic
  • support walking, wheeling and cycling in the area. 

You also shared concerns about: 

  • local traffic volumes
  • fast moving traffic in the area
  • local air quality.

Your feedback on these proposals will help to shape the improvements we are proposing for the Dartmouth Park Area Healthy Neighbourhood.

About the Dartmouth Park Area Healthy Neighbourhood

The healthy neighbourhood will cover the area bounded by Highgate Hill, Junction Road, Fortess Road, Highgate Road, Highgate West Hill and Highgate High Street.

Map of the proposed Dartmouth Park Area Healthy Neighbourhood

How to have your say

Visit our engagement page to view the initial proposals and complete our survey to tell us what you think. The survey is open until Sunday, 18 August 2024.

Have your say

Register for an event

You can share your views on the initial proposals by coming to an event. Register for one of our events.

Date Time Type of event Description
Wednesday 17 July 2024 6pm-7pm  Online public meeting on Zoom Join us to hear about the Dartmouth Park Area Healthy Neighbourhood. We will present the initial proposals and there will be an opportunity to ask questions.
Tuesday 23 July 2024 6pm-7.30pm In-person workshop Capacity for this event will be limited and we will give priority to residents of Junction ward and neighbouring streets.
Wednesday 24 July 2024 6pm-7.30pm In-person workshop  Capacity for this event will be limited and we will give priority to residents of Junction ward and neighbouring streets.

At the end of the co-design phase, we will analyse all feedback to develop final proposals for a public consultation before considering any scheme.

Get involved 


You can email the Camden project team with your views and comments:

More information

For general information and questions about liveable neighbourhoods in Islington, you can visit our people-friendly streets FAQs page.

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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.