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Apply for a secondary school place

If your child is due to start secondary school, you must apply online

Choosing the right school for your child

  1. Apply on time – only 40% of applicants who applied late were offered one of their preferred schools compared to 97% of on time applicants
  2. Remember to apply even if your child’s older sibling already attends your preferred school. There is no automatic entry for siblings – you must submit an application
  3. Check the school website – there is a wealth of useful information available.
  4. Visit schools – this is the best way to get a ‘feel’ for the school. You can meet a member of the leadership team, ask questions and see the school in action. 
  5. Think about what is right for your child – don’t rely on what others tell you, visit the school and experience it first-hand
  6. Talk to your child – involve them as much as you can
  7. Think about the journey – how easy will it be to get to the school? A local school means your child can walk from home, benefitting their health and the environment. 
  8. Check the admission criteria and cut-off distance – how likely is it that your child will be offered a place? You can check by clicking on the link in the school fact file in the secondary admissions booklet
  9. Use all six preferences – make sure you include at least one local school
  10. Ask the School Admissions team for advice – they can’t tell you which schools to apply for, but they can explain the admission criteria and check whether you would have got a place last year 

Make sure you press ‘submit’ when you finish your online application. You should then receive a reference number confirming safe receipt. If you need further advice, contact the school admissions team.

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