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Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) price increase

All London Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) will be increasing from Monday 7 April 2025. PCNs are designed to deter anti-social and obstructive parking, reduce congestion and make London’s streets clearer and safer.

Parking sign icon

Permission to Park

Find out how to get a permission to park permit for people who need to park in Islington to carry out building, construction or maintenance work.

If you are carrying out building, construction or maintenance work in Islington, buy a permission to park so that you can park near where you are working.

How it works

Permission to park is an electronic permit linked to your number plate that gives you all-day parking in:

  • resident bays and resident shared-use bays
  • business bays,
  • short stay paid-for bays (such as 'Pay by Phone' or RingGo). 

How to get a permission to park

You'll need:

  • works vehicle registration
  • address the vehicle will be parked at or near
  • address of the person buying the permit, whether that's you or someone doing it for you (this is for fraud prevention).

To buy a permission to park, visit the RingGo website where you can register an account and buy a permit for a day, a week or a month.

You can't get a refund on a permission to park.


Permission to park

Length of stay Cost
Daily £32.05
Weekly £127.55
Monthly £495.90

Fuel surcharges

To help with our net zero carbon goal, all diesel, petrol and petrol hybrid vehicles will pay a surcharge on top of the standard price.

Diesel surcharge

Length of stay Cost 
Daily £10.35
Weekly £46.10
Monthly £181.25

Petrol surcharge

Length of stay Cost
Daily £5.45
Weekly £27.65
Monthly £107.45