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Paying for care

Most people will need to pay something towards the cost of their care and support. Find out if you're eligible for assistance and how you can get assessed.

Chargeable support and care services

Social care, unlike health care, is not free for everyone and most people will need to pay something towards the cost of their care and support.

To receive social care support from Islington Council will need to have a financial assessment.

We calculate the amount you need to pay towards your care, based upon the total cost of the services you receive at home and in the community.

The assessment out how much, if anything, you will have to pay toward the cost of your care.

You’ll pay for all your care if you:

  • don’t come under the council’s eligibility criteria for support but you want to arrange some care privately
  • don’t want to tell the council about your finances
  • have savings or income of more than £23,250

Find out more about the social care financial assessment on section 4 of this guide.

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